Monday, August 2, 2010

Why I'm Blogging

Well, Here I am blogging again. I deleted my old blog and now I'm starting a new one. I want to invite everyone who cares about me to read what's going on in my life on a daily basis. I just thought that it would be something fun to do, and I'm really trying to start writing again on a daily basis. I thought that this would keep my feet to the fire. I hope this blog will be uplifting, but I'm going to be sharing the struggles of my life with Lupus and other issues. I am inviting all of my friends and family members to share in this blog with me, so with that being said...I hope you enjoy My Everyday Life! Feel free to comment and let me know what you think!


  1. Cool, Ami! Was wondering if you still did any writing after our Collegian days! ;) Looking forward to catching up w/you via your blog!


    (send me your email via FB sometime and I'll send you an invite to all my random!)

  2. I will send you my email via facebook right now! Glad to keep up with you!
