Saturday, March 19, 2011

From Parents to Friends

Well, I am here in Maryland. My husband and I were here together for a week, but he had to go back home so he could go back to work! I'm staying for a few weeks to see a few new doctors and to try to get my stomach problems figured out. Anyway, while Kevin was here, we had so much fun. The only thing he didn't get go see was the birth of our new nephew Benjamin, who is due to be born on Monday. We had hoped he'd be early, but he'll be ready in his time! I'm praying for a safe delivery!
It's so funny. I'm sitting here with my parents. If you would have told me 20 years ago that I would be sitting in the family room, drinking coffee and talking and sharing things willingly with my parents, I would have called you crazy. I never knew that I could and would be best friends with my parents. It's funny how things change. Back when I was a teenager, there was this reverential fear of them, yet they were always approachable. Now, they are the ones I come to for help, for advice and for love. I just never ever thought that I could be their friends. But that's what we are. Friends. We talk about everything and while they are opinionated, they listen and share things about themselves I never knew. I can appreciate behind the scenes stories. Things were tough for them financially when we were growing up, but they never let us know that. They can share those things now and I appreciate them so much.
It's funny how life is, how it changes and grows. I love the way that God always gives you just what you need when you need it. I'm glad for the relationship that I have with my parents. As teenagers and young adults, you take for granted the things they do and you think the things they say are relevant, but that they don't always get the picture.
But they do. My parents always advised me in the Lord, but they let me make my own choices. Now I run to them for their advice. Kevin's family is good like that too. They listen and give advice that's so Godly. I am so fortunate to two sets of parents that give me everything I need, but most of all they give me friendship. For that I am most grateful!!!


  1. It's great to have good Christian family & friends, isn't it? I'm glad you are part of my family! Looking forward to Easter!

  2. Yes it is Kim! I love you and am so happy you are my family!!
