Thursday, September 15, 2011

September update

What a trip this has been!
I know some of you have been wondering where I have been for the last few weeks. I thought that this would be the best way of updating you.
I came here in August to have another test on my pancreas. I had the test and the mass on the pancreas that I had looked good. It wasn't cancerous. We were happy. The tests they did showed worsening chronic pancreatitis, and the doctor's recommendations for me were for me to lose weight, get off of the steroid medication and then in December we will revisit the situation and determine if I should have my pancreas taken out.
Well, on Aug. 31st I woke up so ill. I can't remember ever feeling that sick before. I couldn't stop throwing up. It was so painful. I had a fever and I felt the most gut wrenching pain. I knew it was pancreatitis.
So my parents rushed me into the hospital in Virginia. I was so bad that they decided to transfer me by ambulance to John's Hopkins. Once they had a room available, I got to John's Hopkins. They diagnosed me with "Acute on Chronic Pancreatitis" which basically means I was having a terrible serious acute episode of pancreatitis on top of chronic pancreatitis.
The doctors and nurses at John's Hopkins were unbelievable. I mean, absolutely top notch. It was difficult to get there for my parents every day. It was hard for them, and I appreciate their sacrifices for me!
Anyway, the doctors told me under no circumstances am I to eat. I can not eat anything except for water and ice chips for the next four months. I have a j-tube, which is where I get my feedings from, but I had been trying to tolerate food, but the doctors at John's Hopkins told me that this time my pancreas is just so messed up that I can have nothing. The pancreas is destroying itself. Once I am healthy, I may be able to have it pulled out. My doctor said that he doesn't want to make me worse. He wants me to be stronger. He wants me to be strengthened in case I need to have surgery.
That's the update.
I am so sorry that I haven't been able to get together with all of my friends this trip. It's been a trying one.
But I know that God has me in the palm of His hand and I am waiting for the day he touches me with His healing power!
I am planning to go home on Sept.25th. I was supposed to go on the 10th, but being so sick and weak has put a damper on those plans. Please pray that I can regain my strenght.
Thanks again for all of your prayers. I love you all!